Friday, April 19, 2013

Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread - Specimen 1

I have been on a quest for some time now, a quest to find a way to make homemade wheat sandwich bread that can stand up to the sandwich bread my kids were used to me buying from the store.  In my search, I discovered that almost every 'mom' blog out there with bread makers had been on the same quest at one point or another. And almost everyone has claimed to have found the perfect recipe.... yet each one has a totally different recipe then the other.

And so, begins my own personal search to create a recipe that my family & I will think is the best sandwich bread we've ever had while keeping  to an easier bread machine process.

I present to you, Specimen 1. It's a whole wheat bread without much dressing added to it. Just plan and simple.

1 1/3 c. water
1 tspn. salt
1 tblspn. coconut oil
3 tblspn. honey
1 tblspn. apple cider vinegar
2 c. whole wheat flour
1 c. unbleached all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tspn active dry yeast

I put all this in order in my bread machine, hit the dough cycle and let it do all the work. Once done, I shaped it into my 1 lb loaf pan, baked it for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

I thought it was strange that it called for apple cider vinegar. But  you honestly cant taste it. I replaced the olive oil with coconut oil. And lowered the salt content. It cuts easily enough right out of the oven, though it seem a little gummy while it was still hot.

Once cooled, the bread was a little soft. I sliced it and loaded it with sandwich makings.. it held up pretty good and it tastes great too. Gotta get the kids to test it. I want to wrestle with a whole grain bread option too.

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